Kapasitematik Offers Fully Automated Measurement and Flexible Intervention with Renishaw Equator Integration

23.04.2021, Wednesday
kapasitematik-renishaw-equator-entgrasyonu-ile-tam-otomatik-olcum-ve-esnek-mudahale-sunuyor.png (293 KB)

This is done fully automatically thanks to the temperature sensor on the equator. 

As soon as the equator part leaves the counter, it completes the measurement, guides the counter and robot according to the result and approves the production and informs the user of the result. At this point, Kapasitematik ensures that information can be accessed and intervention requirements to machines can be realized without being at the counter.

Kapasitematik offers more cost-effective production with this integration. It is possible to get rid of part-specific jigs, initial investment costs and manual reporting to the operator and quality control team. You can program an unlimited number of pieces and measure them fully automatically with the Equator.


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